Here you can find out about current vacancies at WOLF Power Systems in Wolfhagen.

Become an idea maker
with an environmentally conscious employer
Collegiality, a strong team spirit, the absolute will to succeed, quality awareness and goal-orientation are the main characteristics of the corporate culture of the entire WPS.
If you want to be part of a highly motivated team, have a desire for innovative projects and want a career-oriented and at the same time family-friendly environment, then apply to us! For the areas of installation technology, engine technology, hydraulics, electrical engineering, programming, control, exhaust technology, project management, sales and many other specialist areas, we are constantly looking for bright minds who enjoy a wide range of customers and highly individualized products. Contact us if we have aroused your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.
01. WOLF Power Systems
What makes us special
At WOLF Power Systems, you can look forward to varied and complex projects, because in our industry, no project is like the next.
Our combined heat and power plant solutions are always tailored to the needs of our customers. As a result, they constantly challenge our ingenuity, dedication and creativity.
- We are a team and a family detailed community
- We have flat structures
- We attach great importance to down-to-earthness and regional ties
Our locations
WOLF Power Systems has two locations in Germany: in Wolfhagen (Hesse) and Gorleben (Lower Saxony).
This is where all our systems are developed and manufactured and tested for their impeccable quality made in Germany.
In addition, we are of course represented by sales and service staff throughout Germany and internationally.
03. Training, Studies & Internships
If you want to start your career right after school, we have a lot to offer you. We offer a wide range of interesting apprenticeships for school leavers with a qualified secondary school leaving certificate, intermediate secondary school leaving certificate or vocational baccalaureate. In addition, we offer a dual course of study in mechanical engineering (Bachelor of Science) in cooperation with the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. You are also welcome to contact us at any time about the possibility of an internship.
Current training offers
Here you can find out about the current vacancies (apprenticeship, internship or working student) at WOLF Power Systems in Wolfhagen.
Hier kannst Du Dich über die aktuellen freien Ausbildungsstellen bei WOLF Power Systems in Gorleben informieren.
For the areas of installation technology, engine technology, hydraulics, electrical engineering, programming, control, exhaust technology, project management, sales and many other specialist areas, we are constantly looking for bright minds who enjoy a wide range of customers and highly individualized products.
Requested documents
- Resume
- Cover letter
- Testimonials
- Salary requirements
- Desired place of employment
Please send your application by mail to the following e-mail address:
However, you can also send us your application in writing:
WOLF Power Systems
- HR department -
zu Händen Frau Ipek
c/o Wolf Power Systems GmbH
Unterm Dorfe 8
34466 Wolfhagen
Tel: 05692-9880-0